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All the latest goings-on with Greg and Jenn Wright, Hollywood Jesus Books and DIM.

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The G-Tube Plus 2 Months

Two months ago today, Jenn had a "G-Tube" implanted, in addition to her J-Tube. The Reader's Digest summary (no pun intended) is that Jenn now has a stomach pacemaker, a tube for getting food directly into her intestines (the J-Tube) and another tube that allows her to vent the backup that inevitably (and reliably) occurs in her stomach (the G-Tube). For those who want to see what Greg's spouts (that's a pun on "spouse") now looks like, Jenn has a captioned photo over on her blog. She's also posted a summary of the differences between the tubes and how they work.

Since the J-Tube was placed in February, Jenn remains on 24/7 feeding, but is feeling much much better. She's back on full-time status at work, and has been able to get back on her fibromyalgia medications. This has all done wonders for her energy and enthusiasm. 10-hour work days don't wipe her out, and she's able to do more than sleep evenings and weekends. And as you can see from the post above and the post following, we've been very very busy on top of everything else!

Live is still an adventure, and we don't expect any radical changes in the medical regimen any time soon—but at least we're getting a better picture of what "normal" looks like. And it can, occasionally, include visits to restaurants and the homes of (very tolerant and unsqueamish) family and friends.


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